On CrowdPad, with the click of a button, an individual can launch their own community that allows their earliest believers to buy into their social token and allow it to accrue value whilst allowing the creator the financial ability to purchase that extra piece of equipment they may require to shoot their next big YouTube video or connect them to one of your buddies over at Marvel where they can land a gig for all their creative portfolio work. CrowdPad is where everyday creators who are consistent, hard working & talented meet a global capital and community network.
Become an expert on CrowdPad and summarize your findings in a written essay.
You're welcome to write this review individually or in teams of 2. Bounties will be split among team members.
Become an expert on CrowdPad and summarize your findings in a written essay.
You're welcome to write this review individually or in teams of 2. Bounties will be split among team members.
For any questions, [DM @Abbasshaikh42] (http://(https://twitter.com/Abbasshaikh42))on Twitter or @abbas in our Discord
Writing Style
Submission Requirements
Check out previous bounty winners to get a sense of the quality we expect.
For any questions, [DM @Abbasshaikh42] (http://(https://twitter.com/Abbasshaikh42))on Twitter or @abbas in our Discord
Participation in this bounty is entirely voluntary. Bounties are a way to learn and dabble in opportunities to build in web3. These are neither full time jobs nor project based engagement. Please be advised that the sponsors will not have time for individualised feedback due to the number of entries we receive.